#5 . Daniel Saldaña París

(Mexico, 1984)

Author of the poetry books Esa pura materia (200) Premio Jaime Reyes de Poetas Joven and La máquina autobiográfica (2012) and novels En medio de extrañas víctimas (2013) published in English by Coffee House Press (2016), forthcoming in France by the Métailié publishing house, and El nervio principal (2018); forthcoming in English and French. He has made public readings and presentations of his work in Argentina, Colombia, Spain, United States, Chile, Canada, Trinidad and Tobago, England and Wales. He has been a resident writer at Art IMO (New York, 2014 and 2015), The MacDowell Colony (New Hampshire, 2016) and The Banff Center for Arts and Creativity (Canada, 2017). His poetic work has been included in various anthologies and has collaborated with artists from various disciplines, including Tatiana Bilbao, Miguel Calderón, Iñaki Bonillas and Mariana Castillo Deball.


Daniel Saldaña París en Buenos Aires
Daniel Saldaña Paris en conversación con Mauro Libertella
Daniel Saldaña París — Historia secreta de mi biblioteca
Encuentro Topografías de la traducción
Cuestionario REM — Daniel Saldaña Paris
Filba 2019 — Caminantes